for Kids and Adults with Arab Tutors

Start Learning Quran Online in 3 Easy Steps

1- Book A Free Trial Class
You can register for free Quran classes with our online Quran teachers by filling the details below . We will get back to you soon on your WhatsApp / Phone to schedule your trial class.

2- Take Your Free Lessons
Take your Free Quran lessons with our best Native Arab Quran teachers at your scheduled time. You can take 2 free trials without asking for any payment or credit card details.

3- Enroll in Full Course
Upon satification of Trial Sessions, choose a Monthly Plan and get registered for the full course with the Highly qualified Online Quran tutors at live learning Quran. Book your Free Quran lesson now.
Book a FREE Trial class!
Learn Quran onlineat registered School in USA.

Online Quran Classes for Kids

Online Quran Classes for Ladies

Online Quran Classes for Adult
We make It Easy for You To Learn Quran at Super affordable Prices!

2 Days / Week Classes
- £27 / Month
- 30 Minutes / Live Session
- 8 Classes / Month
- Up to 10% Siblings Discount
3 Days / Week Classes
- £38 / Month
- 30 Minutes / Live Session
- 12 Classes / Month
- Up to 10% Siblings Discount
4 Days / Week Classes
- £50 / Month
- 30 Minutes / Live Session
- 16 Classes / Month
- Up to 10% Siblings Discount
5 Days / Week Classes
- £60 / Month
- 30 Minutes / Live Session
- 20 Classes / Month
- Up to 10% Siblings Discount
Flexible Schedule 24/7
You can choose any time for your ,Online Quran Classes without disturbing your busy schedule. We offers one on one live classes 24/7 with the help of our devoted and best Quran tutors.
Qualified Quran Tutors
All our teachers are well-trained, experienced, and certified. We hire only qualified Quran teachers for kids to educate them with Quran & Arabic Online.
Easy Lessons for kids
We have designed ready-made curriculums for Quran and Arabic courses for kids and adults. We also update it time by time and modify it according to students’ needs.
Affordable Tuition Fee
Our Online Quran courses are comparably cheaper than other Islamic Centers and Academies. Moreover, we offer siblings concession and discount to needy families.
Female Quran Tutors
We have certified best female Quran teachers for sisters and kids who want to learn with female teachers. We have also Native Arab and Egyptian Female Quran Tutors also.
Money Back Guarantee
Register your kids for learning Quran and Get the results in a month otherwise get your payment back, if you are not satisfied with our Online Quran Teaching services.
Our Online Quran Classes platform is intended to transcend learning borders, allowing for more effective time management. There is no need to wait your turn in a crowded classroom or commute to pack into a madrassa’s schedule. Instead, we have developed the most adaptable and affordable Quran Learning programs with siblings discount to engage and encourage learning Quran to help preserve the precious message of the Holy Quran.

Quran Reading with Tajweed
This is the initial step towards learning Quran online. With this extensive and personalized course, Its enables you or your children to learn Quran recitation while guided by knowledgeable tutors (males & females).. Our instructors will begin with the fundamentals, such as learning the Arabic alphabet, reading simple words, then whole phrases, and finally, reading sections of the Quran.

Quran Recitation Course
Live learning Quran School provide a dedicated "Online Quran Recitation Course." This program enables you or your children to learn Quran recitation while guided by with a professional tutor specializing in Quran recitation with Tajweed You will also learn how to pronounce Quranic words correctly, different guidelines for reciting the Quran, and even Quran etiquette through course.

Quran Memorization Course
With this exclusive and customized online Quran memorization Course, you or your children can memorize a whole Quran or a part of it OR any sapecific Surah directly with Qualified Quran teachers who are already Hafiz/Hafiza and have ijjazah in Quran Memorization from World top Islamic (Alazhar) University in Egypt. Now Memorize Quran online with the peace of Mind at comfort of your home at your own suitable Schedule.

Online Islamic Studies Course
Live Learning Quran School has designed a course on Islamic Studies for kids and for New Muslims. This course is specifically developed for those living in Western nations such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, or elsewhere in the world where islamic Studies are not teach frquently. Our Expert Teachers teaches in a fun and attractive way to make this journey very attractive and make learning process attractive with Stories, colors, games & Quizzes.

Ijazah Course Online
"Ijazah" is the most important approved and acknowledged Quran education credential. Learning Quran Online offer a "Online Quran Ijazah Course" in which you can earn Ijazah in Quran recitation, memorization, or Tafseer. Our trained and Cerified Ijazah Holder Quran Teachers will attest to your abilities, analyze your learning of the Quran, take an exam on your area of interest, and then give you Ijazah through our "Quran Ijazah Online" course .
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